Wednesday 17 November 2010

2D Design

Here I designed some chopsticks on 2D design, with the measurements accurate. I used this to engrave some chopsticks using the laser cutter. To do this I changed the chinese symbol lines to be visible and the rest hidden so they were the only bit to be engraved.
2D design is used with CAM machinery like a laser cutter, I used the butterfly designs with a laser cutter to make a childs calculator out of acrylic. This is an easy programme to use so could be usefull in schools for children to make a professional looking product that they can be proud of. There are also many other things 2D design can be used for such as packaging, there are ready to use templates for a number of boxes that could be quite usefull.
This is my pewter mould cast created on 2D design. This was then cut out using the milling machine.

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