Sunday 19 June 2011


Overall I think that there are some CAD softwear that I am quite confident with such as Photoshop and Speed step which I would be comfortable using in school to teach children. With photoshop I can easily use the basic photoediting tools, I also know how to add layers but I need to learn how to change file formats. Other softwear such as Pro desk top I think I need to use much more to be familiar with it and know what im doing but I think i know a few of the basic design techniques. I need to become more familiar with assemblies and engineer drawing applications. On 2D design I am able to create accurate dimentioned drawings that can be used along with Computer Aided Manufacture. In this area I think I need to improve my knowedge on designimg graphics to be confident to use this within projects I teach children.


I created this image on photoshop for a perfume advert. For this image I found a silhouette on google of a man, i then used the magnetic tool to go around the outline of the figure, I then selected the image and imported it on to my background. I changed the properties to change the shadows and show outlines of the bacground images. I went around the outline of the whole image to smudge the edges to create a dreamy effect. I found this quite easy to work with but would like to improve even more to show children how to user this in schools.